Holiday pic

Holiday pic

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I have 4 mintues...

Until Doug passes off the baby to me because he's going to bed and she doesn't feel like sleeping tonight... You know, she's been sleeping in the crib for a week now.  Woke up this morning, runny nose, slight fever, more 'spit up' then usual.  And this, after a VERY LONG day yesterday!!  Went to a Renegades Baseball game and she didn't sleep at all while we were there...So, she was extremely tired and crabby today.  But, so was Max and Kyra.  DJ, not so bad.

All in all, I highly recommend a Renegades Baseball game to families out there who are on a budget!!  We bought the tickets for $52 (that was for 5 of us)...parking was $5 and we spent about $20 inside (and 3/4 of that was for  We went with a bunch of familie and everyone brought something to share (food, drink, dessert, etc).  Kids had a blast and I think all seats are great.  We sat in the reserved general admission so it was bleacher seats...but you could absolutely see everything and the kids had room to roam a bit b/c we were in the last 3 rows right on the aisle!!

OK...that was my 4'm being beckoned:)  Will maybe write a bit later if she falls asleep!!

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