Holiday pic

Holiday pic

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas and Cribs..

Whew...Christmas is over.  And I can't believe the winter break for the kids is almost over too...time sure does fly by.  We had a really great Christmas this year.  My mom (and her hubby too) drove up to celebrate with us and we sure do love when she comes to visit:)  Brother and his family also came over to celebrate.  And, hubby's mom... good food, beverage and company.

I was also able to get all of my 'paid' baking done and delivered with ease this time around... looking back, it felt like very little stress this time around.  I was able to buckle down and get a lot of it done during the day.  Of course, Franny was crying at my feet and Max kept wanting to help and taste, but it just got done.

AND... my holiday cards were sent out BEFORE Christmas this year... that NEVER happens.  AND... I sent out my niece/nephew presents BEFORE Christmas.. that, too, NEVER happens.

So, with all this great timing, why not throw Franny in the crib??  Yes...we did it.  Tuesday night, after all the holiday celebrating was finished and the family was gone, we threw her in there.  OK, so I didn't just toss her in and hope she slept... but that would have been ideal, right??  Nah, I ( still thing at time here folks) nursed her to sleep and gently placed her in the crib.  She slept in there 'til about 1AM.  Now, at this point, hubby is supposed to be the one to get up and get her back to sleep.  Guess what??  Yeah, he got up and went to get her...but she cried, pointed to the door and he obeyed taking her right to me.  Nice one, right??  We discussed this and he insisted he was ok with getting up with her b/c he wasn't working this week.  Guess his mind clearly doesn't function at 1AM.  Took me over an hour to get her back into the crib.  Yes, we are taking the bad route of putting her in sleeping, I know.  When she woke up at 4AM, he kicked me to go get her.  Yup, his brain power definitely diminished.  Yelled at him the next day... And so, last night (day 2 in the crib), she went in again around 10 and woke up about the same time (1ish).  This time, hubby learned from his first mistake of bringing her to me and was able to get her back in the crib on his own.  So, at the 4AM wake, I was ok with getting her.  She proceeded to sleep 'til 10am after falling asleep again.  You would think she was an infant or something, right??  I'm hoping she will start to sleep through the 1AM wake up... that would be really cool!!  ha ha

My body hurts from sleeping in my own bed too... so used to sleeping on the

Hope you are all having a great Holiday Week!!

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