Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Princess Kyra turns 7

Holy first daughter has turned 7.  Where did the time go??  It seems like just yesterday we were moving into our house with her still in utero (though not for long).  I have merely blinked and she has grown up before my eyes!!!  The daughter who was once so dependent and who is now so independent in more ways than even she knows what to do with!!  My dear Kyra, you have brightened my life and fill my days with more love than I know what to do with!! not every day, but you all get the's a quote I found that sums it up a little bit:

Daughters are like flowers, they fill the world with beauty, and sometimes attract pests.  ~Author Unknown

I just strolled through memory lane and have come up with some pics from each year of her life!!  Enjoy:
 2 months...chubalub (remind you of anyone??)
 5 months
 7 months...double fisted (just like her momma)

 1 year...not walking yet...she was a lazy baby!!
 2 years...Miss Thang!!
 3 Years old
 4 years old...still cute:)
 5 Yeal old...Princess!!
6 Year old...Lost in the Looking Glass:)

There were so many great pics through the years...and I think I may have teared up!!  Kyra made me crave fruit and veggies...I couldn't go near a burger b/c it made me nauseaus (thanks you).  I went into labor with her on Memorial Day, 2004...this was the weekend we moved into our house.  She was born at 3 something in the AM on Tuesday, June 1 (yes, I don't know the exact time).  I felt every single contraction and every single push, tear, slide, gush, rip, etc.  You know, b/c the spinal they gave me (which lasts about an hour) wore off before she was ready to come out!!!  And, she was a whopping 9 pounds, 13 ounces and I think like 19 inches long.  Yeah, I know, I don't know exacts here except for the weight...yup, I felt all those pounds being pushed out!!  And you know what, you really do forget the pain after they come out.  Well, until the next one in which you just dread the pain you know is gonna come at the end!!  ha ha ha

And so, she is now 7 and her biggest concern in life is whether or not she has to sit in the booster seat still.  Answer: yes, she needs to sit in the booster until her 8th b-day.  Stupid NY changed the law this year.  And, you know the law will most likely change next year on May 31 that kids will need a booster until the age of

Suddenly, through birthing a daughter, a woman finds herself face to face not only with an infant, a little girl, a woman-to-be, but also with her own unresolved conflicts from the past and her hopes and dreams for the future.... As though experiencing an earthquake, mothers of daughters may find their lives shifted, their deep feelings unearthed, the balance struck in all relationships once again off kilter.  ~Elizabeth Debold and Idelisse Malave
Words of Advice, from this Momma to her Princess:
1. You are beautiful and always will matter what anyone says!!
2. Stay true to yourself and don't be swayed to do what you don't want to do
3. A new pair of shoes is the best gift you can give yourself...
4. Allow yourself to love and love a lot
5. Allow yourself to be heartbroken (sucks, I know, but I think we all need to experience this one)
6. Keep your chin up always...and if you can't, a big bowl of ice-cream will do wonders!!
7. Dance Dance Dance

Love you babe!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh some day she will look back and know that she herself has a wonderful mom:)
