Saturday, June 18, 2011

Last Day...The SHOW!! (or should I say shows)

Wow...what a week and now it's all over!!!  My kids were awesome, beautiful and I am sooooooo proud of them.  DJ rocked his solo, Kyra came through with ballet and she didn't look as lost as she did all week, and her tap really came together!!  And, now, they are both tucked safely in their beds and will hopefully sleep in tomorrow!!  Though, we all know Max can't seem to stay in bed past 6:30 or 7 these days!!

So, yeah...this new location for the recital was a little (OK...ALOT) chaotic this year.  Drop off was long and hot.  You had to stand in a really long line and give your info in case of emergency and than leave your kid.  I think they needed a few more people there (and perhaps set up the tables outside so they had more room???) for check-in.  It might have gone quicker.  I also went in with my kids to make sure they were settled and knew where their stuff was!! 

Franny Girl and Max went to Uncle Kevin's house during the first show.  Had a good time there!!  Hopefully FrannyGirl was good for them...she's so out of sorts these days...rosy cheeks, heat rash, teething, ear aches...oh, and she's stll not sleeping well!!!  The countdown has begun for her crib...I'm gonna cry longer and harder than she will:(

And, the parents seemed more out of control then usual.  Is it really ok to stand up in the middle of the theater and wave to your kid while they are on stage??  While there is someone trying to videotape the show in the back!!  And, I can't tell you how many little kids were in the audience and how many strollers came in and out of the theater with babies in them.  Now, is it really necessary to bring the little ones to a recital??? Or, if you have to bring them, don't try and actually sit in your seat b/c you inevitably will need to get up more than once with that me!!  And, the ones that aren't babies just dance and kick and knock into you while they are sitting behind you.  Oh, and let's not forget all the talking that went on while girls were performing.  Come on...have some respect for the dancers.  Just because your kid is done doesn't mean you can carry on a conversation with Aunt Dot and Grandpa Joe 2 rows up!!!  And when they say no taking pictures or videotaping, please NO PICTURES OR VIDEOTAPING!!  It's distracting to those around you who actually want to watch the little girs!!  They really are cute!!OK...I think that's about all I have to say about the first show:)

No wait...when they say they only want 1 person from each family to go pick up the dancers, they really do mean that!!

Oh yeah...forgot to mention that I had to escort MIL into ladies room today and help her with pants/girdle and stuff...ummmm, uncomfortable!!  Did I mention that she broke her arm in 4 different places???

OK- show 1 is over (about an hour late) and we are supposed to leave the kids for the next show in there.  Ummmmmm, what's going on for 2nd show...nobody knows!!  Ha...take her out for some air and than go grab her some pizza!!  DJ and I get to hang out know, I sat on the steps eating like a normal human being while he chomped some pizza, climbed a wall, slid down the pole on the stairs, took another bite, threw some rocks, almost went through the water...gotta love that kid!!!

Doug comes back to 2nd show with Franny Girl...she wanted nothing to do with the in-laws (sorry, but I can't really blame her on this one).  She is miserable to begin with and for some reason she just doesn't like MIL.  And, MIL can't even pick her up these days and I have no idea if FIL is even willing to change a diaper.  So, she got to see the show...ha ha ha...from the lobby that is!!!  But, at least I got to see Kyra do her tap on stage and than hubby took DJ and FrannyGirl home to relieve in-laws of Max duty!!  Of course Kyra's tap dance is like 4th from the he was there for most of the show...

I think that's about the extent of it...I'm tired and need some's hoping FrannyGirl sleeps tonight:)  Well, let's hope she sleeps longer than 2 hours at a time b/c I could use longer than 2 hrs at a time!!!

Random thought- Enjoy your kiddies up on that stage while you can and quit complaining about the NO AC in the theater!!  (ha ha ha)


  1. OMG - thanks for making me wet myself - I heart your MIL - OMG - I'm still friggin' laughing - friggin' dying!!!! I woul've missed my kids party for that!!!!

  2. WOW, what a week! Happy Father's Day to your honey!

  3. I get exhausted just reading these. Maybe after school is out you will have more of a routine.. You are a super mom..
